Do you own a home on Lake Oconee? Located in Central Georgia -- near Greensboro and Eatonton -- it's one of The Peach State's most popular and frequented visited lakes. As a Lake Oconee homeowner, though, you might be wondering where exactly to source firewood for your home. As the Southeast's premier vendor of high-quality firewood, Cutting Edge Firewood now delivers firewood, as well as cooking wood, to residents in Lake Oconee. With our Artisanal Delivery Service, we'll deliver and stack your purchased firewood to ensure you have a smooth and stress-free experience.
The History of Lake Oconee
The history of Lake Oconee can be tracked back to 1979, during which Georgia Power constructed the Wallace Dam along the Oconee River. Once the Wallace Dam was created, water was allowed to fill the reservoir, eventually leading to the creation of Lake Oconee.
In the early 1980s, property developers began building homes on Lake Oconee. Around this time, the Reynolds family, which previously owned most of the land, began selling plots to developers. It wasn't long until Lake Oconee became a thriving residential community. Today, there are hundreds of homes on and near Lake Oconee, some of which are used primary residences, whereas others are used as vacation or seasonal residences.
Fun Facts About Lake Oconee
- Spanning roughly 19,000 acres, Lake Oconee is the second-largest lake in The Peach State.
- Each year, thousands of professionals and recreational anglers alike visit Lake Oconee to fish for striped bass, largemouth bass, crappie, catfish and bullhead.
- The largest largemouth bass caught in Lake Oconee weighed nearly 13 pounds. On April 1, 1990 -- no, it wasn't an April Fool's Day prank -- Derell Waldrop pulled a 12-pound, 9-ounce largemouth bass from Lake Oconee.
- To keep Lake Oconee clean, Georgia Power prohibits the use of large cabin cruiser boats.
- Lake Oconee's shoreline stretches approximately 374 miles.
- Tourism plays an essential role in Lake Oconee's economy.
- The average water depth of Lake Oconee is 21 feet.
- Around the dam, however, the water can reach up to 100 feet.
- The water level at Lake Oconee drops by roughly 18 inches during periods of high demand for electricity.
- Residents of Lake Oconee refer to the area s "Lake County" because of its close proximity to Lake Sinclair.
- According to some real estate agents, Lake Oconee is the third-largest market for lakeside homes in Georgia.
- Lake Oconee receives its namesake from the ancient Creek town of Oconee.

Choosing Firewood for Your Lake Oconee Home
Don't assume all firewood is the same. Whether you're planning to build fires inside or outside your Lake Oconee home, you should pay attention to the quality. High-quality firewood produces more heat and less soot-filled smoke than low-quality firewood. So, how do you know whether firewood is high quality or low-quality?
The quality of firewood is largely influenced by two specific factors: species and moisture content. According to Botanical Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), there are 60,065 species of trees in the world. While the United States is only home to about 1,000 species, that's still a lot of different tree species. Each species of tree has unique characteristics that distinguish it from the 60,064 other species. As a result, some species of trees offer better firewood than others.
Hardwood tree species, for example, grow more slowly than their softwood counterparts, so they are typically denser. And because they are denser, hardwood tree species produce more heat when burned and used as firewood. Therefore, hardwood firewood -- oak, cherry, maple, hickory, etc. -- is higher quality than softwood firewood.
Moisture content plays a role in the quality of firewood of well. All wood, whether from a hardwood or softwood tree, contains moisture. Unless wood has been dried, it will have a high moisture content that inhibits combustion when burned. There are different ways to dry firewood and, therefore, lower its moisture content. The most common method is air-drying, which involves leaving firewood outdoors for six months or longer to slowly dry. An even more effective drying technique, however, is kiln drying. Kiln drying involves processing firewood in a heated and pressurized kiln.
Preparing Your Fireplace for Winter: What You Should Know
During the fall season, you should take steps to prepare your home's fireplace for the upcoming winter weather. First and foremost, make sure you have plenty of high-quality firewood on hand. Conventional wisdom should tell you that you won't be able to build many fires without a stockpile of high-quality firewood. Rather than waiting until the cold winter days, go ahead and purchase in firewood well in advance. This way, you can rest assured knowing that you can keep your Lake Oconee warm by using the fireplace.
You should also inspect and test your fireplace's flue damper. The damper, of course, is a device found directly above the firebox in the flue that's used to seal the fireplace when there isn't a fire present. When you build a fire in your fireplace, the damper needs to be open so that smoke can escape and oxygen can enter. When you aren't using your fireplace, on the other hand, the damper needs to be closed to prevent thermal leakage. If the flue damper is broke or otherwise doesn't function properly, you won't be able to control it.
Why You Should Use Our Artisanal Delivery Service
With our Artisanal Delivery Service, there's no easier or better way to get premium kiln dried firewood for your Lake Oconee home. Available to residents in Lake Oconee, this is our signature white glove delivery service. How does the Artisanal Delivery Service work exactly? Using this service, one of our experts will deliver kiln dried firewood in a convenient and stylish rack straight to your Lake Oconee home. Therefore, you don't have to worry about finding a place to store your firewood. Your kiln dried firewood will come hand-delivered in a canvas-covered rack, which you can place either inside or outside your home.
The benefits of our Artisanal Delivery Service don't end there. When one of our firewood experts visits your home to drop off your firewood, he or she will gladly answer any questions you have. Maybe you want to know the best way to light your newly purchased firewood, or perhaps you want to which species of firewood produces the most heat. Regardless, you can use this opportunity to ask the firewood expert any "burning" questions that are on your mind.

How to Build the Perfect Campfire on Your Lake Oconee Property
There's no better way to unwind and relax than by building a campfire directly on the lake. For the best experience, though, you need to use high-quality, kiln dried firewood. With its low moisture content, it will burn hotter and longer than fresh and even air-dried firewood.
Comfortable seating is equally important for a positive and enjoyable campfire experience. Adirondack chairs are a popular choice because of their long, reclined backrest. Alternatively, you can use traditional lawn chairs. Just remember to arrange the seating around the campfire so that you and your guests will face the fire.
Your search for firewood in Lake Oconee, Georgia is over. Stock up on high-quality kiln dried firewood by visiting our order page now. After placing your order, we'll deliver the kiln dried firewood directly to your Lake Oconee home.